Yuille Park Community College is a multi-campus school providing an innovative curriculum based around an inquiry model from pre-school to secondary school.

Two additional Yuille Park Community College campuses provide flexible learning opportunities for Ballarat youth.

The Yuille Park Young Parents Campus offers young pregnant or parenting students the opportunity to study at a Senior Secondary Level including VCAL. The success of the program is due in part to the ‘holistic approach from staff and community partnerships that support the students learning and social and emotional wellbeing.

Students and their babies are supported by an individualised learning plan (ILP) developed by teaching and educational support staff. To be eligible you need to be under 21, pregnant or already have a child and not have completed VCE or higher than a certificate III. 

Peter Innes founded the ‘Young Mums Program’ in 2006, aiming to connect and engage pregnant or parenting teenagers in an educational setting. He designed a program around the barriers to success which included the following domains: wellbeing, financial, legal, transport, housing, education and material needs.   


Peter Innes


The foundations of this program still underpin the ‘Young Parents Campus ‘today.

The design of the YPP Campus is specialised to support the needs of parenting students. A crèche area which allows students to bring along their babies/toddler is an addition to the facility. Learning areas include a big registered kitchen from which students hone their hospitality skills and prepare for the pop-up café that the students operate each week at the local Ballarat Community Health Centre, Lucas. There are also some other cosy learning areas that enable students to fully engage in small learning groups with access to great IT and to a wide range of project specific equipment.


“The framework we have created here is unique. It’s not just about literacy and numeracy, but social and emotional wellbeing. We can help protect the girls, help them with housing, drivers licences, health, legal issues … everything. We do what a family would do - teach them how to cook, give them life skills.”

~ Peter Innes

Retired Team Member


“The best part of my job is watching our students experience success and build confidence through learning. Coming to school with your child sends inspiring messages about school. Coming to school tells your child that school is a safe place where you belong and have fun while learning. As children grow up and go to school themselves, they already have a positive mindset about learning and going to school.”

~ Megan Hillas

Young Parents Campus Teacher


Teaching at the Young Parents Campus is such a rewarding and uplifting job. Sharing the educational journeys with the students and their children and watching them become assured in their choices, making empowered decisions for the future is exciting.

~ Renee

Young Parents Campus Teacher