
From couch surfing to a qualified nurse…

“From couch surfing to a qualified nurse, my journey with the Young Parents Campus was life changing.

Being pregnant at such a young age is terrifying but being pregnant and couch surfing was even worse.

The team at the Young Parents Campus took me and my unborn child in and gave me a second chance at getting my life on track. They were there when I laughed, they were there when I cried and they were there when my baby was born. They pushed me to better myself, helped me redo year 11 and finish year 12 as well as completing many certificates along the way.

My biggest fear was university and I don’t know how they did it but they convinced me to enrol and now I only have 2 months left until I’ll be a qualified nurse.

The Young Parents Campus saved me, I wouldn’t know where I’d be without them. They’re family to me.”